Thursday, February 14, 2008

Ryan's Stats

We had Ryan's 1 year check up on Monday. He is 19 lbs 6 oz (still need to wait a few more weeks to flip the carseat to forward facing...) and 29 inches long.

He loves to eat, pretty much anything and everything. When we put him in his highchair and start to bring food over to him he gets excited just to see it, which is very cute:) Then he just shovels it in, not as cute...

He is doing a funny crab walk on his feet and hands, surely walking can't be too far away.

We still have some problems with his sleeping, but right now things seem to be going fairly smoothly, knock VERY HARD on wood!

He is working on all 4 of his first molars, one of them is almost through.

He isn't as into reading bedtime stories as he used to be, which I am sincerely hoping is a stage that will end soon as it is one of my favorite times of the day.

Basically, Ryan continues to be an absolute joy who we simply love and adore!

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