Ooops, over a month since my last post. Of course I don't really know if people really look at this blog anyway, but nevertheless....
So, Sarah will be 5 months old tomorrow. She started rolling a few days ago and now she is a rolling fool. She goes from back to belly and then sometimes just keeps going back onto her back. Sometimes she gets stuck on her belly though and gets mad. A couple of months ago she was sleeping from 10 pm - 8 am, but for the last couple of months she has been getting up twice a night. So, I am perpetually tired, which is just part of the game I guess. She started foods around 4 mo. She doesn't really like rice cereal, LOVES squash and sweet potatoes, doesn't particularly like carrots and HATES peas.
Ryan is talking up a storm. Kids say the darndest things. One day in Home Depot (where we go at least every other week) he pointed to a man with paint all over his clothes and said he was dirty and needed to take a shower. He still loves his Thomas trains and his cars with his garage. He loves playing outside. We got a new pool and he likes it. Still a very picky eater - wonder where he got that from ;)
Matt is ALWAYS working. If he isn't in Atlantic City working for the ANG, he is over at "Our New House" as Ryan calls it, trying to get it ready for us to move in. He is doing a great job and it is coming along, but it seems to have been a slow process and I know Matt is tired of working and ready to move in.
I will try to post some new pictures soon, but my little guy has apparently woken up from a way too short nap and is saying Mommy over and over again, so I guess I probably need to go rescue him from his crib. If you are on Facebook, check out some recent pics there in the meantime.