What kind of crazy kid gets bronchitis in the middle of the summer?!?!? Mine, I guess. About a week and a half ago, Ryan had a high fever - around 103. Totally freaked me out, because he has never had a fever that high. Of course his pediatrician chose that week to be out of town and it is just her in the practice. But her office was relaying messages to her so she called me back and said that a fever doesn't worry her too much, it is the symptoms that go with it that worry her and since he didn't have any others, to call her if anything changed. So, the fever went away and 2 days later he had a rash, which she said could happen. I called again and she said that was common and that it should go away in a day or two. It did. Then 2 days later he got a seriously runny nose. I guess that was Sunday. On Thursday morning he started to sound a little raspy so I decided to call the doctor again (she was back in the office by now) because with it being a holiday weekend, I didn't want to end up needing her and the office being closed. She said to go ahead and bring him in. After his bought with bronchiolitis in December, I was envisioning nebulizer treatments in our future. So, I took him in and she checked his ears which looked great and listened to his chest, which didn't sound great. She said he had the beginning of bronchitis. Poor little guy. She gave us some antibiotics for him to take for 5 days and said that if he gets any worse this weekend to call her answering service and have them call her to meet me at the office to borrow a nebulizer. It is Friday now and his nose is still runny, but I don't think he sounded raspy, so that is good. Unfortunately we won't be able to go to my grandparents for 4th of July as planned because it doesn't seem like bronchitis would be a nice present for Ryan to give them, especially considering we all leave for the beach in a week. So, that is the latest with us. I have a scratchy throat and am congested, but hoping that it doesn't get any worse. The nausea is enough for me:)
Happy 4th of July everyone!!! Matt, as usual, is off galavanting (translation - working). He will spend the night in San Diego. Rough life.... This is the 9th 4th of July we have been married and I think we have maybe spent 4 together. He is always off somewhere - skydiving, working, TDY to Korea. Leaves me to put up with our silly little dog who is terrified of Fireworks and starts shaking like crazy and/or barking (please don't wake Ryan up tonight Sasha!) when she hears them. And of course fireworks are never just on the 4th, they are for 3 or 4 days around the 4th. Anyway, enough of my blabbing. Probably nobody has read it this far anyway - no pictures of Ryan, who cares?!?! I'll go find some cute ones to post to make up for the rambling.